I came to Vegas with my mom to see Bruno Mars and we had time to kill so we went to Mandalay Bay and decided to walk through to Luxor as well. We noticed two exhibits The Titanic and the Bodies exhibit. We opted for the Titanic exhibit.

You take pictures in front of a green screen before you start your journey into the exhibit. They give you a card that displays the name of a passenger that was aboard the ship. It shows you what class they belonged to and some personal facts about them. At the end there is a wall with the names of people who survived and were saved and some that were lost at sea. You get to search the wall for your person to see how their journey ended.

The exhibit contained so many artifacts that were recovered from the ship throughout the years of exploring the sea.

The exhibits take you through each class so that you could immerse yourself into people's experiences on board.
The exhibit was a walking interactive exhibit. They had so many artifacts from different levels of the ship. From ropes that were on the deck, to silverware and plates. Different cabin levels had different amenities.